Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's wife accuses him of Adultery in Divorce case

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's wife accuses him of Adultery in Divorce case

The wife of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has accused him of adultery in a divorce suit.The saga between Pastor Chris and his wife has been ongoing for a while now and
been a topic of discussion from both church members and outsiders.Many questions and queries about the whereabouts of pastor Chris' wife,Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome,where left unanswered or simply ignored.But this new turn of events is sure to divide opinions about the flamboyant pastor and founder of the Christ Embassy Church,pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
According to The cable,who broke the news of the divorce suit, the dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome, has entered the final phase.
The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour” and “adultery”. She outlined several allegations against the pastor which cannot publish for legal reasons. The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, UK, on Anita’s behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, a full-service law firm with expertise in commercial law and a strong consumer focus in family, wills and estate, personal injury law and medical negligence. 
 Efforts to reconcile the popular couple, whose church is one of the biggest denominations in Nigeria and has branches all over world, have failed. They have two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn." Continue...
Oyakhilome is the president of Believers’ Love World Inc, the registered name of the Christian ministry, while his wife is the vice-president. The pastor, according to an elder of the church, has denied allegations of adultery and believes his wife is being influenced by “bad friends” who are intent on destroying their home. While Anita believes she has been relegated in the scheme of things in the church, her husband has reportedly accused her of trying to usurp power and authority above her seniors in the ministry.

Sources told TheCable that the pastor had been making efforts to avoid divorce in the hope that the wife would eventually have a change of mind. However, the decree nissi was served on the charismatic pastor in his hotel room during a recent visit to the UK. Decree nissi, in legal terms, is like a yellow card in a football match which is a precursor to a red card (“decree absolute”) if no new evidence is provided to stall proceedings. Church insiders said Oyakhilome had been hoping for rapprochement, but he was left with no option than to receive the papers when the lawyers cornered him at his hotel in London. The decree absolute, which will effectively end the marriage, is expected to be issued soon while terms of the divorce will be worked out by the lawyers on both sides.
If truly proven that Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was indeed guilty of adultery,it could do great damage to his ministry and a leader and pastor being found partaking in adultery does not set a good example.But worse has happened.Church members tend to be very dogmatic,loyal and make excuses for their leaders no matter what the situation.
A male pastor who abused an underage boy sexually and was sent to jail for it,waas taken back into the same church and some members  insist the pastor was not guilty even though the pastor himself had pleaded to a guilty charge.
But in the case of Pastor Chris,the jury is still out,there are two sides to a story.The man of God might truly well be innocent.Time will tell..both parties shall have their day in court soon.

source The cable
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