Kim Kardashian,Queen of Selfies releases a book of Selfies called Selfish!

Kim Kardashian,Queen of Selfies releases a book of Selfies called Selfish!

Seems like a crazy idea,but the Queen of selfies Kim Kardashian has been making money from crazy ideas a while now.Kim Kardashian is releasing a 352 page book of Selfies! Yep
selfies.Not a diary of her life or a diary of her honeymoon,marriage or anything,but strictly selfie pictures.
Kim's family have always thought she was obsessed with taking selfies,so why not make money out of it?
The whole thing started as she spent ages taking countless of pics while on holiday with her family in Thailand.She told her family the pictures where for a special album of pictures she was making for hubby Kanye West.
Kim either was very pleased with the result of the pics she took for Kanye or she always had it in the back of her mind,cos next thing was,she started a project of selfies for a book. That book is now a 352 page of selfies published by  Rizzoli New York.
The title of the book itself is interesting as it is called selfish.Why would Kim Kardashian wanna call her book selfish?I'm guessing it's the definition of the theme being that she's taking pictures,all of herself,which is selfish in a comical way and also "selfie" mocking or sounding like selfish.This is my own take ,which of course doesn't count lol..Either way the Queen of Selfies,Kim Kardashian has decided to call her book just that!
And already the book is available as a pre-order on Amazon,it has a retail price of  $19.95 and isn't due to hit shelves until April 7, 2015

In a recent episode of   Keeping Up With The Kardashians,Kim explains that the idea for the selfish selfie book, was inspired by a collection of Polaroids she gave her 37-year-old hubby,Kanye West for Valentine's Day....'It ended up turning out so cool that we came up with this idea to do a book " she said on the show.

The pictures she took at the vacation with her family in Thailand,was also meant as a treat and surprise for Kanye cos he was not able to make the trip due to commitments.Self styled Queen of the selfies,Kim Kardashian said of the pics:'I'm going to make some, like, super-racy. I mean, every girl takes, like, full, like, pictures of their 
a*** in the mirror,'

When half-brother Brody Jenner asked if she would be sharing the pics with anyone else,
she replied coyly: 'I might share some of them - some of them.'
So expect to see some really racy shots of Kim's booty in the  selfie book! That's no so much a surprise anyway,Kim Kardashian doing a photo book without her booty shots is like Lionel Richie doing a show without singing All Night Long! Now that would be SELFISH!

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