Nigeria-How to Lose weight with & without exercise

Nigeria-How to Lose weight with & without exercise

Nigeria -how to lose weight
Losing weight in Nigeria-You can do it!

Just like all over the world,there are a lot of people in Nigeria who are overweight and want to lose  weight fast! Many of these people have tried all sorts of diets and i always say to people it's not about a diet,it's about changing your life style.If you go on a diet,sooner or later you will go back to that diet,and put on even more weight.But if you have a life style programmed and follow that you will lose weight and live a healthier life avoiding so many health problems,obesity,diabetese,heart attacks,immobility,just to name a few.
So the best way to lose weight is through a healthy diet,low calories diet and plenty of exercise,but not everybody in Nigeria is a fan of exercise,maybe it's the sun that tires us out i don't know,we are just so laid back so we shall be looking at ways to lose weight fast in Nigeria with & without exercise.
Now let me warn you,when i say without exercise,it means going to the gym and consciously saying i am going for a jog or to exercise.Walking is exercise,standing on your feet for a period of time is exercise,so to a degree we all exercise..i hope i made that clear now.

First on the list to losing weight in Nigeria without exercise is our food intake..the diet,i know it's an obvious choice,but don't panic..its not as bad as it sounds.

    how to lose weight in Nigeria
    Apples will help you lose weight.
  • So,try to add some of these foods to your meals,they relieve water retention and they help keep your craving in check and boost your metabolism.A list of these foods are:
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 1- Apples-An apple a day can keep weight gain at bay. People who eat an apple before a plate of rice ate fewer calories overall than those who had a different snack. Plus, the antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat.Apples are far as i know are not very common in Nigeria but i still see enough people selling apples.So go get those apples in Nigeria to help you lose that weight fast.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 2-Eggs-Dig in to eggs, yolks and all: They won’t harm your heart, but they can help you trim inches. Omelets and scrambles are obvious choices.But use as little oil as possible when making your eggs,preferably olive oil.Eggs as we know are everywhere in Nigeria so this should not be a problem towards helping you lose weight .
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 3-Beans-It's funny people used to attribute beans to a poor man's food in Nigeria.And even laugh at it being food for prisoners.Beans is actually very good for you.Each tiny bean is packed with nutrients, including protein and fibre, while remaining low in calories and full of slow-release energy. This means you’ll feel fuller, while the high protein content will help firm up your muscles and keep you toned.And with Nigeria's sun blasting,you will lose weight pretty fast on this food.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 4- Garlic-It might make your breath smell a bit, but each clove of garlic is packed not just with toxin-battling antioxidants, but also a naturally occurring chemical called allicin. When digested, allicin reacts with the blood to create a product capable of killing off many harmful bacteria and viruses that your body may be harbouring – including in the digestive tract. A healthy gut it essential for achieve a flatter tummy – try adding a few raw cloves to your food just before serving to get the most out of it.I try to eat as little as possible cos of the smell but Garlic will definitely help your digestive system and make you lose weight fast.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 5-Peanuts-Peanuts get a bad rep in the diet world, but eating a small handful as a snack in between meals could stop you from overeating, and give you the protein you need to carve a lean, flat stomach. Peanuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fibre, as well as skin-conditioning vitamin E.It's essential to have little snacks to stop craving and peanuts will go a long way in helping you lose weight fast.

  • how to lose weight in nigeria
    Mackerel Fish plenty for Nigeria to help you lose weight!
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 6-Mackerel-I love Mackerel.Eating plenty of oily fish is a good idea if you want to tone up your tummy, because it is high in protein and low in ‘bad’ or saturated animal fats. It is also a rich source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which are crucial to proper brain function. Slimmer AND smarter? Sounds good to us…I know for a fact Mackerel is popular in Nigeria so should be easy towards aiding and keeping the weight off.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 7-Lemon-A well-known detoxifier, it’s a great natural weapon against water retention and could help you achieve a flatter stomach.Nigeria is very humid so we drink a lot,occasionally add lemon to the water you drink.Preferably 1st thing in the morning to cleanse your system and boost your digestive system and make you lose that weight fast.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 8-Eat less food more often.-This sounds crazy but it is very essential towards helping you lose weight fast! Many medical practitioners now recommend eating more meals a day, with less food at each one. This is a more balanced way to take food into the body, spreading the load on the body over a far wider period of time. The system of eating three meals a day is designed far more to fit in with the working day than it is to fit in with the needs of the human body. When you eat less more often, the body absorbs more of the nutrients in the food, so your body craves fewer calories.

  • Lose weight in Nigeria-Exercise..Skipping is a very good tip
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 9- Everyday life exercise&Sports-Now considering this post is about losing weight fast without exercising in Nigeria,i have tried very hard not to include typical exercises although exercise is very essential.So i am gonna tell you how you exercise without realising it.When you walk briskly you exercise,when you stand for a while you exercise,when you have sex you exercise,when you dance you exercise,when you climb your stairs you exercise,so all these things mentioned here,try to do more often and coupled with the tips in this post watch as you lose weight fast.The other obvious way is the gym,find a friend or a partner so you can inspire each other.Take swimming lessons.Dance more at home or when you go out.Play football,go for jog,skip..skipping is actually a very effective exercise that works the whole body.Climd the stairs and avoid the lift.Plenty of sex helps too.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 10-Drink lots of Water-Sounds very simple but it is a very vital part to losing weight and being healthy.Water flushes out the toxics in your body and also cleanses your digestive system .It clears your skin,kidney and basically gives you whole body a boost and service.A bad digestive system as you know will keep your food hanging around your system giving you a fat belly and making you fat basically.The recommended glass of water we need per day is 8 glasses,but some need more or less,(depending) less if you eat a lot of water-rich fruits and vegetables.More if you are very active physically.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 11-Eat no carbohydrates at night.Carbohydrates are heavily starched foods and longer to digest..they slowly burn in your system and release slowly to give you energy through the day.I advise you to eat this early in the day,so it releases while you go through your day to day activities and energises you.By nigh time it is fully digested.If you eat at night,there is not enough time for it to digest and it sit's in your stomach.When morning comes you add another meal to it and slowly you are carrying excess when this multiplies.
  • Lose weight in Nigeria Tip 12-Fry Less,Eat less red meat&take off skin.It's impossible to tell a Nigerian not to eat red meat,so what i suggest is eat less,maybe 3 times a week and eat more fish.Also when eating chicken or meat with fat,take off the skin or the fat.Try to fry food as less as possible and grill or cook instead. 

  • My Final tip to lose weight in Nigeria without exercise is 13- Eat 3 hours before bed time-Doing this will give your food time to settle and digest,hereby giving you a healthy digestive system and eradicate constipation.
Good luck and you can thank me when you can put on those size 10 or 12 jeans again and you guys when you can see your feet again and put on those figure hugging tee shirts...

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