Missing Schoolgirls-There are More Questions than Answers.(By a Confused Citizen)

Missing Schoolgirls-There are More Questions than Answers.(By a Confused Citizen)

image result for chibok girls parents
I really don't know what to believe anymore with these school girls saga.Why have we still not seen a single picture of the missing Girls?If they they are threatened to be sold,won't seeing their faces help people in recognising them?In this day and age of Social Networking i find it strange that not a single cousin,uncle aunty,brother or sister has posted a single picture of any of the girls.No classmates,school mates,teachers or ex classmates have come forward to speak about "my missing friend",strange.

Watching the news a couple of girls were interviewed,they said the men threatened to shoot them if they tried to get away,these men have killed before,both young and old,so it's not exactly as if they have any regards for human lives-so bearing this in mind,how did these few girls escape from the vehicles that was taking them without being shot at by the men or having a single bruise on their bodies from jumping out of the vehicle?

The head mistress of the school said she was tricked when they came for the girls and a week later she said she was not present only her daughter was..so many contradictions.I also wonder how they managed to transport all those girls without being noticed at any check points bearing in mind the state was one of the 3 states put under state of emergency.
Not a single villager saw them or noticed an unusual convoy of vans or whatever strolling down the road?

the parents of chibok girls

On the other hand,surely the Nigerian government must have checked and confirmed that the girls were missing.The only other explanation is if they are worried that the world would see them as uncaring if they
express the slightest doubt that there were no girls missing.
Could the girls really be missing but for different motives?Could it be more of a case of keeping them without intention to harm but for negotiating leverage?
How come the witnesses present at the abduction have not come out to speak so we can actually hear their words? Have they been interviewed by experts to see if their words tally?
The Borno State governor as far as i can see has barely been visible in all this,i find this particularly strange.
I know the school was burnt,but that signifies nothing really,if a group of people had cooked all this up,burning a school to make it look real is no biggie.

Amnesty international made it known yesterday that they have it on good source that the Nigerian authorities were warned 4 hours before the abduction that the school was about to be raided and their warning was not heeded by the authorities.Can the authorities come out to confirm or deny this? So far there has been no reaction..i guess the easiest thing to do will be to deny this so why have't they? Also if a source actually did send this warning,why can't they come out and say we warned you? Why hide behind  faceless speculations? You see,questions questions and questions.
Funny thing is i really don't know which version i want to be true,if they really were not kidnapped,that would be wonderful,cos it will mean no girls are gonna be traumatised,scarred and stigmatized for the rest of their lives..on the other hand we,would all have been taken for fools,the whole world actually..it will ridicule Nigeria and make us look in the worst light possible,not to talk of the government..It will be the case of the girl who cried wolf..if we ever needed help in future no one will take us seriously.So which of the two evils? Considering all these,i think the ideal scenario will be that the girls were indeed kidnapped,rescued safely and by some miracle they were not abused in any form and get back to normal ASAP.Well nobody prays as much as Nigerians so if there is Really a God oooo,this can be the case,can't it?
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