Iranian actress Leila Hatami angers her Country by Kissing 83 yr old man!

Iranian actress Leila Hatami angers her Country by Kissing 83 yr old man!

Iranian actress Leila Hatami Kisses 83 yr old man!
Iranian actress,Leila Hatami has angered conservatives in her home country after kissing the president of the Cannes film festival's on the cheek.
The actress who lives in Iran , is on the jury at the Cannes festival.Her cheeky pleasantries with 83-year-old ,Gilles Jacob on the red carpet, has sparked outrage in her home country.Fanatics in her country have tagged the act a disgrace to the chastity of Islamic women.

 Deputy Culture Minister Hossein Noushabadi said

Those who attend intentional events should take heed of the credibility and
chastity of Iranians, so that a bad image of Iranian women will not be demonstrated to the world,Iranian woman is the symbol of chastity and innocence.Hatami's 'inappropriate presence' at the festival was 'not in line with our religious beliefs'. 
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