University of Abuja students queue for water like it was 1930(pic)

University of Abuja students queue for water like it was 1930(pic)

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Students of University of Abuja queueing for water
Largest economy in Africa and our students in the University can't even get water for everyday use? I saw a text recently that was sent on behalf of the President,asking if the Benin Ore road was now better or worse? That's an incredible question and stunt to pull..To start with,how many roads do we have in
Nigeria? So because one of the thousands of roads is being put in the right state for the citizens to use ,it should be broadcasted and we should be thankful? This is why you lot have been voted into power..its your job,you DO IT! Students can't even get pipe borne water and we are celebrating one useable road...SMH

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