If it is true that the federal government is planning to redesign the national flag, the idea should be jettisoned as there is no need for the venture. That is the verdict of some Nigerians we sought their opinion on the issue.
No, I am not in support. I totally disagree. Is that what we need now? There are so many issues he needs to address. He should forget about the national flag and concentrate on other important things.
I am shocked about it. If he is desperate to write his name in Nigeria’s history book, let him tackle Boko Haram, corruption, poverty, fuel scarcity, surging rape cases, epileptic power supply, lack of light, insecurity – not by changing the country’s flag.
What concerns a hungry and jobless man with a new flag? What concerns lack of electricity with a new flag? I think these people should redesign their conscience first and do the right thing. If they are looking for a way to leave their names in the annals of Nigerian’s history books, they should give us electricity 24/7.
The colours and design of our national flag is not the major problem facing our nation. The president and our leaders should rededicate their lives to the service of our fatherland. There is nothing wrong with our national
The national flag is okay. We need to change our attitude, not the national flag. Let the president pledge to serve the country better.
What is wrong with the design of the Nigerian flag? It is cool. They should look for something else to do if they are jobless.
No. For what’s the purpose of redesigning the flag. The major question we need to ask him is, “Has the flag failed us?” Or have we failed the flag?” They say green stands for agriculture while white stands for peace. If the president thinks we are lacking any of these, then he should go ahead. But I see no reason why it should be redesigned.
No. Redesigning the Nigerian flag is not top priority of the country at the moment. There are more important issues or areas that he needs to focus on.
source Encomium Magazine