It's hard not to feel moved when you hear Oscar Pistorius in court,but i still think he's Guilty!

It's hard not to feel moved when you hear Oscar Pistorius in court,but i still think he's Guilty!

image result for Mrs Steenkamp mother of murdered oscar pistorius girlfriend

Oscar Pistorius breaking down in court and the mother of his murdered girl friend.

I was moved seeing Oscar Pistorius in court today,but he is guilty still in my opinion.
I heard Oscar Pistorius testify in court today 7th of April and you would have to be made of wood not to be moved.His voice quivered and he was like a little boy speaking as he testified in court.Pistorius talked about how he can't sleep at night and how he's on anti depressants,how he smells blood and wakes up terrified.All these i believe but i also believe he killed his girl friend.I believe Pistorius lost his mind in a split second from jealousy or an arguement and he shot that poor girl.Afterwards Pistorius is truly sorry as we all can see now...but hey its too late to bring back that poor girl.I dont believe you will have your loved one in bed with you and take out a gun to shoot
an intruder without bothering to see where your girl friend was or calling out her name first to see she was not the one making the intrusive sounds.Also after the first shot,didn't he hear her wince or scream and groan in pain? I'm afraid there's too much against Oscar and it will take more than those real tears and real regret to get him off..All points to one thing,"Oscar Pistorius is guilty" is what he said today in court....
"I want to take this opportunity to apologise to Mr and Mrs Steenkamp. There hasn't been a moment since this tragedy happened that I haven't thought about your family
"I wake up every morning and you're the first people I think of. The first people I pray for. I can’t imagine the pain and the sorrow and the emptiness that I’ve caused you and your family.
"I was simply trying to protect Reeva. I can promise you that when she went to bed that night she felt loved. I have tried to put my words on paper many times to write to you but no words would ever suffice.' Continue..

'I'm scared to sleep. I can smell blood and wake up terrified. I climbed into a cupboard and I phoned my sister to come and sit by me, which she did for a while. I'm just in a complete state of terror. I fall asleep and wake up like that.' 
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