Ray J calls Fan an Ape and She's not happy about it (Picture)

Ray J calls Fan an Ape and She's not happy about it (Picture)

Don't dish it out if you can't take it!

Hahaha this is funny.A lot of people think they can just say nasty things about celebrities online and get away with it.Most of the time they do as well.This particular lady had been giving Brandy's brother and r&b star Ray J a hard time,but she finally got a taste of her own medicine.I don't support putting people down in this manner,but this time she deserved it! Maybe she now she will be a little more sensitive and realise that celebs are human with feelings too.

Ray J just pissed off millions of people -- one woman in particular -- after he compared her to a character from "Planet of the Apes."

Ray J Instagrammed the above photo Friday, writing the caption, "I usually don't go this hard but ... This chick look exactly like a character on Planet of the Apes."

He has since deleted the post -- but the fan he targeted (a woman named Tina Chastang) tells TMZ,
she was mortified when he singled her out on his page.

In fairness, Tina admits she egged Ray J on a little, posting inflammatory comments on his Instagram like, "Ray J you are irrelavant. Why dont you stop worry about Kim Kardashian. Why dont you talk about you being gay." But she insists he didn't fight fair.

Tina tells us, she's just one voice out of millions of fans -- thousands of whom trash talk Ray J on the daily -- but he made a mockery of her on a global scale. Tina wants an apology.

Sources close to Ray J tell us, "This girl is an Instagram bully. She's been making negative comments on everything Ray J posts for months. He's been trying to take the high road, but finally decided he needed to give her a taste of her own medicine."


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