Tchidi Chikere and wife.I really don't understand some people,Social media has done a lot of good things,but it has started a new culture as well that is not very welcoming.This Tchidi Chikere guy apparently used to be married to another girl..or maybe they just live together..i don't know.The reason i said that is cos,reading his
tweet here,you would think they were never married.At the same time the other woman who is the mother of his children calls him my husband..confusion..Anyway,now he is married to another lady..fine,i wish them a fruitful marriage..but why go on twitter to write stuff like this about a woman who gave u children? How would those kids feel when they grow up and see you talk about their mum like that on tweeter? To me it shows no class at all on Tchidi's part.And he said he was glad of how he was raised....Hmmmm