Mick Jagger's Girl friend leaves $9M estate to Him &NOTHING to her family-How would you feel?

Mick Jagger's Girl friend leaves $9M estate to Him &NOTHING to her family-How would you feel?

Mick Jagger girl friend Lwren scott commits suicide

L'wren scott death.Mick Jagger's girl friend,L'Wren Scott who committed suicide by hanging herself from a balcony door handle with a black satin scarf,has left her entire $9million fortune to boyfriend Mick Jagger.She specifically left out her siblings,brother & sister out of her will.49 year old Scott and 70-yr old Rolling stone's star ,Jagger had been dating since 2001..As of Dec 2013,he was worth $328 million (£200m)
What would ypu do if you were one of her sibblings? Would you still love her bearing in mind the man she left her money to has over $300Million and she also specified in the
will she left you nothing purposely?

Personally i will be very mad at her,it's a cruel and mean behaviour,but then again we 
don't know what her family has done to so piss her off..at the same time ,you should be able to forgive in death shouldn't you?
“I give all my jewelry, clothing, household furniture and furnishings, personal automobiles and other tangible articles of a personal nature … to Michael Philip Jagger. I have intentionally omitted to provide herein for any of my heirs living at the date of my death,” The will can be seen below...

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