Joseph Yobbo? More Like YOB-o As Landlord says he destroyed his House! (pics)

Joseph Yobbo? More Like YOB-o As Landlord says he destroyed his House! (pics)

A Lanlord who let his pent house to super eagles captain Joseph Yobo has been left

 horrified by the state in

 which the property was left.Landlord Ray Smith says he was shocked by what he found

 when he went to inspect it

“The state it’s been left in is just unbelievable.There’s bond money of £1,500, but by the look of it it will need £5,000 to put all the damage right and I will have to call in industrial cleaners.“There are iron marks on the floor, as if left by ironing, and holes in the wall left by flat-screen TVs.I’ve never come across anything like this before and I’m just so shocked. The place looks as if it’s been burgled.

In defence however (pun intended)Joseph Yobo said he has never lived in the apartment nor

even been there and that his younger brother, Gideon, paid the rent.I can believe that,Yobo makes too much to live in this house.What probably happned was he rented the place for his brother who in turn messed up the place.I have always found relatives of celebs are more a problem than the one who made the money itself.Remind me of a time i met Hakeem Olajuwon in Lagos many years ago.His brother was more with an attitude than Hakeem himself..You would have thought he was the star.
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