Dora Akunyili Looks a shadow of her former self

Dora Akunyili Looks a shadow of her former self

image result of Dora Akunyili cancer
Looking a shadow of her former self.

Dora Akunyili is a lady i liked very much.She did a fantastic job when she was the NAFDAC boss..she's not peerfect but better than a lot who have held public offices.So it was with much sadness that i was engulfed in when i saw her picture today.I had heard like everybody else that she was ill,but we didn't see any pics.
image result of Dora Akunyili sick pictures
On the other hand she said she was getting better,so maybe rather than be sad,i should be happy that she is getting back to health.She made an appearance at the National Conference in Abuja today and said: 

“I just need to put on some weight. There is a saying in Igboland that goes this way: “Let the sickness take the flesh but leave the bones because with time the bones would grow new flesh. I just came out of a major sickness, for which I thank Almighty God for delivering me. I know that God did that for a purpose, this National Conference being part of that purpose. I am well now but only need time to put on more weight"  
Nice to have you back Maam.
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