Wendy Williams Lupita brother.Can't stand that Wendy Williams woman..she's loud,brash and lousy! She also has an opinion on everything but herself..hey maybe thats not too bad as your's truly ain't too far behind.But seriously she's been slagging off Lupita Nyongo's brother Peter,putting him on blast on her show..saying she didn't find his photo bombing funny .She called it an annoying attitude and
said he took Lupita's shine.She said it was her day and moment and he didn't need to be jumping around
or even close to her.
She made reference to Penelope Cruz who has a sister but wasn't known till later.She also said other Oscar winner's families or siblings weren't over the place...She said he should go back to college...
She then showed selfies the young lad took with various celebs.But i say whats her problem?
Did Lupita complain to her?
Personally if i was having a great time or celebrating something amazing,
the first people i would want next to me are my sibblings to share it with me.Just shows
Wendy is selfish and it's all about her..me me me!
I'm not surprised at all.Her fake personality always shines through the screen.All these celebrities don't look bothered to me and it looks ,like they are having a good time putting a smile on Lupita's brother's face,isn't that what its all about?