A teenage girl named Funmilola has been arrested by the Nigeria police after she attacked another teenage girl with a sharp object, slashing her neck, after accusing her of dating her boyfriend. 15year old Haliya Odunaya (pictured below), who is a senior secondary student is currently receiving treatment at Stars Clinic
on Apapa Road in Ebute Matta after the brutal attack left her fighting for her life. Her attacker, Funmi, who is said to be a little older that Haliya had warned her to steer clear of 'her man' or prepare to pay for it.
On Saturday March 15th, Haliya paid, and paid big time. After Funmi heard that Haliya and her boyfriend had met up that day, she went to Haliya's house to confront her. And that was where the attack took place.
After I had told her my mind, I turned to go back into our building and that was when she (Funmilola) dragged me back and produced a sharp object from under her cloths and attacked me with it,” Haliya said Haliya was left there in the pool of her blood until neighbours rushed her to the hospital. Doctors say she's is lucky to be alive.She could simply have been killed! Meanwhile, the man has since denied dating both young girls.