A Must Read-An Account of a Survivor At the Immigration Fracas

A Must Read-An Account of a Survivor At the Immigration Fracas

Ifedolapo..an unfortunate but lucky day for him

This is a brief account of one of the survivors of the horrors that happened at one of the Centers,In Abeokuta.

According to his tweets Ifedolapo has been unemployed for 4 years.He is a graduate.He chose Abeokuta as the center where he wanted to have his test.He wrote when you have been unemployed for 4 years,you get excited at any opportunity for a job. He left home past 6 am..he stopped on the way at an Okrika woman's stall to get his white attire as was requested.He could not afford a brand new one..(an Okrika woman or trader is someone who sells cheap clothes or 2nd hand clothes)On getting to the Abeokuta town center he saw people running around trying to get a health medical report.Apparently you are supposed to have this as well.He said some people were paying hospitals 5k just to get this on the day..so you do the maths,another scam on these poor youths.  He got to the center at 7am and he was shocked to see a sea of heads all clad in white..he reckoned about 15,000 people were already at the stadium already. He also managed to maintain his sense of humor,i guess you have to in a country like Nigeria.He says,"It was like a reunion for
jobless applicants.Pregnant women,middle aged men and even mechanics applied for this job.He finally managed to get into the stadium at 2.30pm after pushing and shoving to have his credentials okayed for the test.In the stadium water as you can imagine became a luxury.Segregation was also fully in place.People were seprated according to their qualifications..Bsc had the best seat in the house..under the covered seats,Hnd had the next best seats while Ond sat under the blazing sun.School certificate holders were made to sit on the grass..The irony is that 6months ago when they bought the forms,they all payed the same fee..1,000Naira!

 There were still  more people outside the stadium waiting to get in and the soldiers were now getting tetchy..and as you can imagine,they started firing shots into the air.After the 9th shot,he lost counts of teh shots..and wondered what if there is a stray bullet scenario?(well that would not be something new in Nigeria)
The test came and it was Mathematics and Logic...Ifedolapo wonders who was gonna mark all those test papers and rounds up by saying he would not be surprised if he stops to buy Boli(roasted plantain)and it is served in his immigration recruitment test papers!
Nigeria oh Nigeria!
I try not to jump on the bandwagon and criticise Goodluck Jonathan for anything wrong in the country.But i'm afraid this time i must,he is the President,it his his cabinet,his Government,his Ministers,his policies or lack of them...The buck stops with him..

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