5 Gay Men stripped naked &Flogged by Warri Chairman

5 Gay Men stripped naked &Flogged by Warri Chairman

I have protected these guy's Modesty.When is all this nonsense gonna stop in Africa?

When is all these abuse gonna stop in Nigeria and Africa generally? Are we so backwards that we can't do anything with decency? Do we always have to barbaric and behave like animals? Take these 5 guys,i'm not gonna go into all the nitty gritty,but allegedly they are homosexuals.Two of them had an encounter,one was supposed to pay after their get together and he didn't pay.The other guy felt wronged,went to report to the community chairman stupidly,(i'm sure he didn't tell him exactly what happened,he couldn't have) but maybe while investigating,the chairman of the local council put two and two together..anyway the whole thing
exploded,they found out five men where involved.The chairman sent some boys to arrest the lot,by the way,this is happening in Warri.
On getting to the chairman,the part where i have a problem with and call barbaric happens,he strips them naked,flogs them naked and parades them..Now what the hell is that all about? In a country that is supposed to have laws? The chairman should be arrested and charged to court..and jailed in the process..these people have to be taught a lesson.
Even if those 5 men have broken any laws,they should be treated with decency as humans,handed over to the law and let the law take its due process.
When you have jungle justice as this,inevitably one day an innocent man will suffer.

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