Meet The Oldest 17yr Old Footballer! Loooool

Meet The Oldest 17yr Old Footballer! Loooool

image result for old looking 17 year old Lazio footballer from Cameroon
This is just incredible,this Cameroonian and Lazio Youth player(i can't even keep a straight face writing that) Joseph Minala claims to be 17 years old.He has been attacked and ridiculed on social media Tweeter that he  was forced to delete his account! Lazio youth team player Joseph Minala has been forced to defend himself after question marks were raised over the 17-year-old's age.

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The teenager,Joseph Minala

In fairness to his critics, the Cameroonian is possibly the oldest looking teenager on the planet but his agent has slammed the 'unfair allegations'.

'He had a difficult time growing up. If you talk to him you'll realise he is in every way a 17-year-old lad,' Diego Tavano told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

Forever young Minala with a friend

Minala, who only joined the Italian giants in December, hit back at his critics on Twitter, before closing down his account.

'Envy is the weakness of man and people of poor souls feel pain seeing others in Serie A. I love you all. Forza Lazio,' he wrote.
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