Girl has Operation to get Dimples

Girl has Operation to get Dimples

Cherrelle Campbell fake dimples
Cherelle Campbell after her dimple op

I have seen some stupid things but this definitely takes the biscuit.Girl pays $2,500 to undergo dimple platsy?How stupid can you get? And the sad thing is she looked far better without the dimples.Good thing she is a lawyer cos she should sue that surgeon and in return her mother should then sue her!

Cherelle Campbell who is a lawyer said:
 'I've always loved dimples but I wasn't blessed to be given big ones.When God was giving out dimples I was at the back of the queue. I find myself on the street or watching TV and anyone with dimples stands out to me. I was online with my friend and we were basically having a joke as to what procedures you could do and you couldn't do, and I was like: "wow, I didn't know you could have your dimples done. I gave it a bit of thought, contacted them and here I am. I wanted really deep ones so every time I smile, they're there and I'm glad it's for life as well. It's not something I'm going to have to repeat which is good.' Cherrelle said she didn't expect such deep holes but knows she will love them "I was impressed as I didn't think they were going to be that deep, it's mixed feelings. Once it has healed, I know I will love it.' 

It beggars belief,things people will do when they have too much money.
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