Comedian AY defends Basket Mouth over r*pe joke

Comedian AY defends Basket Mouth over r*pe joke

Ay,defending Basket Mouth over the R*pe joke

Comedian AY,While speaking to The Punch has defended his friend and colleague Basket Mouth over the r*pe joke he told..hear what he had to say: 
The joke that my colleague shared was an existing joke that had been there for a while. Forget the fact that he came out to champion it and even put it on Facebook; a joke is a joke. These are realities that people have not come to terms with. Comedians did not invent r*pe, so if I talk about an existing situation in the country, I am calling the attention of those in authority to the problem so that they can take care of it. As I said, comedians are social
commentators. The comical part of it, you can just act and re-enact. His tweet does not mean that he is a r*pist or does anyone have a record that Basketmouth is a r*pist?

 For a fact, he was talking about a topical situation. For instance, he said that in America, when you take a girl out on a date, day one, this is what happens. Day two, this is what happens but here in Nigeria, you spend this amount of money on day one, two, three and the girl is not forthcoming. The next thing is maybe the guy wants to go and take the girl by force. It is also a message for girls who always want to be collecting without paying. If I were a girl, I would know that if I collect on day one, I wouldn’t do so on day two, so that things would not result in violence. Why can’t people see it from that perspective rather than castigating a comedian who just cracked a joke.
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