Billionaire pays $500k to Date Kim Kardashian!

Billionaire pays $500k to Date Kim Kardashian!

image result for Billionaire pays $500k  for  Kim Kardashian

An Austrian billionaire Richard Lugner last night (Feb. 27th) at the Viennese State Opera House in Vienna, Austria,took Kim Kardashian on a date that cost him a cool $550k! But they both ended up unhappy on the's why.

 The 81 year old billionaire  who paid Kim $500000 to be his date, has described her as annoying because she refused to dance with him! And to make things worse Kim was approached by a white man who was working at the event with a ‘black face’ and mimicked her fiance Kanye West.The billionaire is well known for paying silly money to famous ladies to be his date on the annual event.
image result for Austrian billionaire Richard Lugner pays $500,000 for kim kardashian date

Austrian billionaire Richard Lugner pays 500k for kim kardashian date

And to cap it all for Kim, it is being reported that another white man offered to dance with her ‘if the orchestra played N****rs in Vienna’, referencing Kanye’s song N****rs In Paris.
Its amazing how some people make millions doing next to nothing,just showing up at a party ,while people who save lives and die for their country or causes barely make a dollar!...Damn!

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