It seems every time President Zuma of South Africa opens his mouth,he puts he's foot in it.I can't believe how a President of a naton comes up with some of the things he comes up with.This was the same the same man who believed if u took a shower after sex ,you will not contract Aids! This time he reveals how he used to bewitch the white people of South Africa during the Apartheid regime.Thinking about it,it seems not a bad thing to do if it works for you considering the damage and harm that came with Apartheid.But should a President of a United Nation be saying or revealing
this? Hear him...'I used to practise witchcraft around here, bewitching the Boers during apartheid'
This was while he was in the village of KaNyamazane, in South Africa's Mpumalanga province on Wednesday.He promised the crowd that if his African National Congress (ANC) party was re-elected into power with over 90 per cent of the popular vote, he would come back to the village to slaughter cows in celebration.
'When the elections are over, I'm coming again. If you give us 90 per cent upwards during the elections, we are coming here to slaughter cows. Less than 90 per cent, I don't come.
This is an incentive for the people to vote for him? Goodness gracious!