A man has allegedly been burnt alive in Nigeria for being Gay.Is this what we really want Nigeria to become?If a man or woman is gay, and they are two consenting adults engaging,what business is it of anybody's?
I thought the important thing in this world is love.Who are you to say who anybody can love? And for those who always say you must be gay for protesting,thats the most stupid and senseless thing to say.Ehen we had some minority whites fighting against apartheid,were they blacks?If i see a thief being burnt alive in the name of jungle justice and try to stop the mob,does that make me a thief?
Also the most common defence saying the bible or religion opposes the act is such a joke.How
many rules are their in the Bible or Religions? Dont we break all them constantly and daily? Don't we lie everyday? Cheat? Offer Bribes? Have girl friends and Boy friends while married? Have pre marital sex? AND ON AND ON....So who are you to say one sin is bigger than the other?
Then there is the one about if God wanted Homosexuality he would have made Adam and Steve and not Adam and Eve.Well he supposedly created Adam and Steve too didn' he?You dont choose to be Gay,you are born Gay! Yes some people are not born that way,they experiment..but in most cases they are born that way.Do you know how many kids have committed suicide because they are gay and tried so hard to repress it? Why would someone want to put their self through this if they can control it? Their is homosexualism even in the animal kingdom.That should tell you something.
I've seen all sorts of senseless arguements,like the one that said if your father had been gay would he have given birth to you? Well homosexuals are minorities and will always be..it would never stop or affect procreation.Less than 1% of the Worlds population is gay..get your facts.Some even said if they allow gays to be,soon people will say we should allow those who want to sleep with animals..i am not even going to bother commenting on that silly notion.
There are more telling issues in Nigeria that needs to be resolved ASAP.Electricity,Insecurity,Univeristy Strikes,Health Reform,Bad RoadsCorruption,....If only the Government can be so decisive about the issues and take immediate actions.But no....sexual habbits are more important.Funny thing is half of those who passed that law are bi-sexual if all what we hear is to be believedBy Queen Olofofo