Fake sign language interpreter at MANDELA Funeral.
There has been huge Controversy Following revelations that the man who was the Sign language interpreter during proceedings of the Nelson Mandela
Memorial,was a fake.The man said,had a very high profile during the ceremony
and was seen alongside World Leader as Barrack Obama,USA President.
There has been huge Controversy Following revelations that the man who was the Sign language interpreter during proceedings of the Nelson Mandela
Memorial,was a fake.The man said,had a very high profile during the ceremony
and was seen alongside World Leader as Barrack Obama,USA President.
It was claimed that the man was just throwing his arms around without knowing what he was doing.However another report coming in a few minutes ago suggests he was not totally fake as such,but was just not very good at what he was doing.Braam Jordaan,a deaf South African and Board Member of The World Deaf Federation,said he believes the man was making up signs as he went along."The structure of his hands,facial expressions and body movements did not follow what the speaker was saying" Mr Jordaan said