![4 year old Sherwyn Sarabi could be the cleverest boy in the world,he has achieved an IQ score of 160 the highest possible mark on the Whechsler Scale](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/12/13/article-0-1A13E24F00000578-456_634x375.jpg)
Cleverest child in the world.
Meet the 4 yr old Sherwyn Sarabi,who is so clever that he has the same IQ as Einstein,Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.At the age of four, he's already been made a member of Mensa and achieved fame for his intellect.
The psychologist who tested Sherwyn, from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, said his score - the highest possible on the Wechsler Scale - showed he has a 'very superior level of intelligence'.
His IQ score is the latest in a long line of grand achievements by Sherwyn Sarabi, who joined Mensa when he was three years old.
He spoke his first words at ten months, was talking in full sentences at 20 months, and has been wowing his parents, teachers and doctors ever since.
Sherwyn’s mother, Amanda Sarabi, 37, a former teacher, said: ‘He is a very happy healthy child and loves to talk.
‘He questions everything and I have been doing my best to answer his questions to the best of my knowledge.'
She added: ‘His general knowledge is amazing for a four-year-old - I think it’s because of all the questions he asks all day long.'
Sherwyn, who is an only child, has read more than 940 books and, according to his mother, 'his favourite is the encyclopaedia as he loves learning new things
![smartest and cleverest 4 year old child in the world](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/12/13/article-2523173-1A13EA1300000578-803_634x423.jpg)
Ten months: At less than one year old, Sherwyn spoke his first word
20 months: Ten months later, he was speaking in sentences
Two years: Sherwyn shoots to fame after learning to identify every country in the world. The toddler can also read up to 500 words, describe all major body organs and their functions, count to 200, identify shapes and explain volcanoes and shooting stars
Three years: Is made a member of Mensa and starts going to school
Four years: Sherwyn records an IQ score of 160, putting him on a par with Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.