Redeemed church of God London.
A Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God -House of praise,is caught up in a serious sex scandal.
The Pastor with the initials A A presides over a Church branch in Camberwell,South East London.The pastor has a well known habit of engaging in sxual liaisons with various young ladies in his Church.The latest wahala the Pastor has got himself into is with a girl member of the Church who is in her early 20s.The girl had been put in the care of the happily married Pastor and his wife when she was a teenager because it was felt she needed guidance and a good environment to keep her in check.It was while staying with
the Pastor and his wife that the Pastor seduced the young lady with money and constant harassment.According to information forwarded to us by a member of the church who said she received an anonymous email stating gory details of the affair,most of what she told us cannot be repeated here because of decency......
The gist of the matter is there is a s3x tape with the Pastor and the said young lady engaging in sexual activities...The saga continues because it was said that there is also a young male member of the church believed to have been the one who somehow got his hands on the s3x tape....The young man is said to have been harassed by elders of the Church as well as other Pastors of other Churches in London...It was also said the Police were 2ce called under made up stories to go visit the young man in his home claiming that he was the one harassing the said young lady in question...Now the story gets even better because the young lady still resides with the Pastor and his wife as we speak.
Many years ago,about 10-11 years ago to be precise, the Pastor was caught up in another s3x scandal with a young lady in his church.The young lady was a personal assistant to his wife.He harassed the young lady constantly,visited her house unannounced,held back her pay for all sorts of reasons for as much as 3 months just so she could do his will..But this lady stood firm on her grounds. Unknown to the Pastor,the girl had been secretly gathering evidence...Photos and tape recordings of the Pastor.When she finally took it to the Church and exposed him,sheer pressure made her leave the church.She was accused of being the one who seduced the Pastor and faced all sorts of accusations despite all the proof she had with her.Even church members snubbed her. She left the church and her experience was so bad that she stopped being a christian and converted to Islam. This incident made the Church take action against the Pastor and suspended him.While on suspension he went to Canada and decided to set up a church while he was there.On hearing this new event,a senior overseer Of Redeemed church was sent over to Canada to bring him back to the UK.
Many leaders in Redeemed Church know about this latest development with the Pastor and the various girls he has affairs with,but surprisingly he is still being allowed in a power position presiding over church members and telling them how to live their lives as well as preaching to them. The charismatic pastor needs to change his ways,leave his position and seek help if he can't desist from this shameful behaviour.
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