The disgusting pictures that sees Civil servants prostrating for Fayose!

The disgusting pictures that sees Civil servants prostrating for Fayose!

Ekiti Civil servants prostrating for Ayo Fayose

Late Ekiti Civil servants prostrating for Ayo Fayose
These embarrassing pictures of Gov Ayo Fayose of Ekiti and some civil servants disgusts me for two main reasons.The first is i find it very annoying that the governor would talk to these people in that position of theirs(prostrating and kneeling).I don't think Fayose asked them to kneel and prostrate,but he must have been enjoying the spectacle,because all he had to say was anyone still kneeling or prostrating would definitely not work for the civil service again,get up and state your case. Why would you treat human beings like this? Even if theyw ere late to work,its not the end of the
world,they are still human beings who should be accorded their dignity.If they were late to work,there is a better procedure to follow than play the high and mighty while these people,some even older than you are openly prostrating and kneeling down for you publicly!
Maybe if the state governments of present and past had fixed the roads and enable people to travel quicker,they would have been at work on time!

Some might say these people are begging for their jobs,but people respond to you with the way you approach them.I am sure he didn't speak to these people with the respect that should be accorded to anyone.It's a Nigerian trait,the Bigmanism and frankly it is disgusting!

So much hypocrisy in Nigeria and our governments.Its okay for you to woe workers 6 months pay.I don't see governors prostrating to civil servants then apologizing.But when they are late for work,you can sack them or humiliate them publicly like school kids! Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting....

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