Peace Hyde has the Hottest Body on the continent of Africa!
But hey don't blame the poor Ghanaian girl,she was born with it.Though a lot of people don't seem to think so..hear what Peace Hyde says:
“I know I am well-endowed but I don’t know why anyone should think I have done b**bs and bums job. I have had people walk up to me to ask why I am so endowed and whether I have done b**bs and bums job. All I tell them is my body is natural and not artificial,”
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" I Don’t Know Why Anyone Should Think I Have Done B**bs And Bums Job
Peace lays claim that she is looking great because she has really worked on her body by hitting the gym and doing regular exercises. “I used to be very big some years ago; I had big buttocks and breast but with regular exercise I have reduced in size and I like the way I look now” Peace said.“I have always dreamt of coming home where I belong and I am glad I have finally relocated. I am happy to be back home”,
Yea we are all glad you are back home in Africa!
Peace Hyde grew up in the Uk where she studied and worked.She has now come home to Ghana to work in the entertainment business and Peace sure is causing a stir! On coming back to Ghana this is what Peace had to say:“Being raised by Ghanaian parents, I guess I have always had a connection to Ghana even from a young age. I have always wanted to visit Ghana and see where my parents grew up and connect with some of the childhood memories my mum shared with us growing up. Problem was I never had the chance due to work and other commitments in the UK.
“I decided a few years back to set myself a target of things I wanted to achieve in my work place as a Teacher. The idea was, once a goal is achieved, I cross them off the list and continue doing so until I had a sheet of achieved targets.
“The last target on my list was achieving senior management status in the very competitive education sector. Once I crossed this off, I felt it was time for a new challenge and new opportunities. I was finally ready for Ghana.”
We wish Peace Hyde hottest body in Africa good luck in her endeavours.